Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 2


Conjectures= "If this, then that" --> If two lines are congruent then they have the same lenth

Biconditional statements- If p->q , and p-> r, then q->r


Addition Property of Equality = if a=b, then a+c=b+c
Subtraction Property of Equality= if a=b, then a-c=b-c
Multipilication Property of Equality=if a=b,then ac=ab
Division Property of Equality=if a=b, and c (doesnt)=0, then a/c=b/c
Reflexive Property of Equality=a=a
Symmetric Property of Equality= if a=b, then b=a
Trasitive Property of Equality=if a=b and b=c, then a=c
Substitution Property of Equality= if a=b the b can be substituted for a in any expression
Reflexive Property of Congruence=EF=EF
Symmetric Property of Congruence=if <1=<2, then<2=<1
Transitive Property of Congruence=if pq=rs and rs=tu, then pq=tu
Verticle Angles Theorem= <A=<B
Right Angle Congruence Theorem=a and b are right angles, <a=<b
Congruent Complements/Supplements Theorem= ,1 and <2 are complementary/supplemantary, <2 and<3 are complementary/supplementary, <1=<3

Example of a Proof---------->

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